Robyn's World

Rockin the World …One Cupcake at a Time

Meet My Babies

I have 2 babies in my life, Sade and Brandy. Both adopted from animal shelters. I am a sucker for a wet nose and puppy breath…what can I say?

My family won’t let me go to Petsmart on Saturday’s anymore because you can’t drag me away…all those puppies set up out front from the shelters, abandoned and needing a home. A secret dream of mine – a huge farm in the country where I could give homes to all the abandoned dogs that come along. I think that’s my Michael’s secret nightmare.

Understatement: my dogs are spoiled. They have a plush life for sure. Example: we took our ’09 vacation at a resort in Hilton Head that caters to dogs…yes, I did say that – the babies went swimming in the ocean every day and what fun they had! Except ocean water and dogs don’t always mix – you don’t even want to know, believe me! “Poor Brandy” is all I can say.

Michael and the babies at the beach

We were watching the news one evening and the anchor was holding the most precious puppy I ever saw…the story that went with her was heartbreaking. She was found in a garbage dumpster in a box, thrown away like a piece of trash. She captured my heart. The next morning we were waiting at the shelter when it opened to pick her up. She was the naughtiest puppy in the world. She flunked out of puppy school and they asked me not to bring her back to the follow up class. She ate everything in sight, rocks, sticks, dryer sheets, and windowsills, everything she could get her teeth on. Brandy, our baby lab walked into her life and everything changed…she is now the world’s best behaved dog. It just took her having her need to be a mother fulfilled.

Sade, the naughty little puppy

When Sade was 2 years old I stopped by Petsmart with the fam…and there she was, the tiniest most pitiful little black lab packed in a crate with all of her brothers and sisters. She had soars all over her body and her coat was patchy. She was the most pitiful little sweetheart that I had ever seen. The entire litter of puppies had been left on someone’s porch in a garbage bag. That day we walked away with her in our arms and nursed her back to health. When we walked in the door Sade took over as mom. She actually immediately went to her food bowl, picked up some food and dropped it in front of Brandy for her to eat. She had found her purpose in life, her very own puppy. Sade house trained Brandy within 2 days and had her going in and out of the doggy door within the week.

Brandy, the precious little puppy

My babies bring me joy and lots of love and kisses. They are a little crazy, and Brandy is a little slow. I mean, she walks around with a big pink blankey in her mouth 24/7. When Sade runs after the birds outside, Brandy runs after Sade shaking that pink blankey – totally craziness.

One person’s garbage is another’s very special treasures.

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March 8, 2010 Posted by | Family | , , , , , , | Leave a comment